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Paulette Tomasson is a Registered Nurse, Registered Clinical Counsellor, Consultant, Author, and Speaker located in West Vancouver, B.C, Canada.

Finally Coming Home

Finally Coming Home

Finally I have created the life I have dreamed of since I was a child. It is not the dream I thought it was supposed to be. It is not the dream of the house, the money or the relationship. No, absolutely not. It is much deeper and simpler than that. It is my childhood dream of having time for peace and time for awe. It was my child’s dream to live in the state of awe, to live in wonder of the universe, to have time away from the noise, drama and chaos of family and work, to have time to sit by the pond and converse with the pollywogs and tadpoles, time to live in the wonders of nature and the universe and be able to witness it’s beauty — to be part of it’s magic.

I cried with gratitude this morning when I realized I had actually created my childhood dream. I felt as if I had come home, home to the knowingness I had as a child, home to the essence of who I am and always have been. Letting go of the struggle and constant searching for who I am not, letting go of the perpetual trying to fit in, letting go of working to amass material success and striving for someone else’s projected goals, I am home.

Finally realizing and relishing in who I am and have always been, a romantic dreamy grown-up child in love with the wonders of the universe. A woman/child who still believes in magic and fairies, who actually lives in a state of awe whenever she takes the time to. Finally I am home and finally I am taking the time.

My wish is that you take the time to have it too.



Time — Love’s True Currency

Time — Love’s True Currency